The Two Crazy Cat Ladies

A brand created to bring cat parents together and raise awareness about the health and wellbeing of all kitties. Motivated by the lack of available resources for natural feline health, they’ve dedicated their lives to learning and sharing all they can to help cats live the longest. healthiest and happiest lives possible. They host regular live shows on social media to connect with cat parents and answer questions they have about their kitties as well as sharing tips about cat health and happiness via blogs and videos. In addition to their passion to learn, share and grow together in the cat community, they offer a line of natural supplements [ Feline Essential™] made to help and prevent many common cat health issues.

Alexa The Pug Mom

Alexa Rabini is a Certified Integrative Animal Caregiver and #pugmom on a mission to make pet lives better! She became passionate about mindful parenting and the truth of the pet industry after having multiple veterinarians fail her dogs.

Rachel Fusaro