Green Source Carpet Care

Green Source Carpet Care, we are passionate about providing exceptional carpet, upholstery, tile and grout cleaning services in Las Vegas.With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we are dedicated to delivering top-quality results and exceeding our clients’ expectations. We understand the importance of a clean, healthy environment and use eco-friendly products and advanced techniques to ensure the best possible outcome for our customers. Whether it’s residential or commercial carpet, upholstery, tile and grout, we take pride in our attention to detail and are committed to customer satisfaction.

Alexa The Pug Mom

Alexa Rabini is a Certified Integrative Animal Caregiver and #pugmom on a mission to make pet lives better! She became passionate about mindful parenting and the truth of the pet industry after having multiple veterinarians fail her dogs.

Busy Bee Cleaning


Realtor to the Dogs